SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 20: Qualities of Yogi immersed in supreme bliss (Verse 19)

Yogarato vā bhogarato vā sangarato vā sangavihīnaḥ | Yasya brahmaṇi ramate cittaṃ nandati nandati nandatyeva || 19 || Meaning- One may take delight either in Yoga or in comforts of this world (bhoga); he may enjoy living amidst people (sanga) or enjoy living alone (nissanga), yet the truth is that only he, whose mind is totally enveloped in the company of the Supreme Brahma, can enjoy true bliss!

By Puttuadmin1 on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 21: Pious people do not reach hell (Verse 20)

Bhagavadgītā kiñcidadhītā gaṅgā jalalava kaṇikā pītā | Sakṛdapi yena murārī samarcā kriyate tasya yamena na carcā || 20 || Meaning -The person who has read at least a bit of the Bhagavad Gita, who has sipped at least a drop of water once from the River Ganga, who has at least once worshipped Lord Hari (Murari) and obtained satisfaction from such worship, will not have to face any altercation with Yama, the Lord of death.

By Puttuadmin1 on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 25: Give up differences of every form (Verse 24)

Tvayi mayi sarvatraiko viṣṇuḥ vyarthaṃ kupyasi mayyasahiṣṇuḥ | Bhava samacittaḥ sarvatra tvaṃ vāñchasyacirād-yadi viṣṇutvam || 24 || Meaning -It is only Lord Vishnu who dwells within me, within you and within everything in this creation.